make-do mondays

Make-Do Monday’s {in bloom}

 Spring is here and our yard is beginning to bloom.  Some of what is blooming are plants that we inherited when we bought this house 8 years ago, like this jasmine (?) plant. We only have one little strand of it and it grows on a random piece of old fence and we do nothing to help/protect/nurture it. But somehow it always comes back, blooming beautifully, despite our neglect.
As part of our Make-Do and Mend attitude around here these days, we  Sweet Man has decided that before we he can tackle acreage in the country, we he needs to tame our city lot. This includes not just regular yard maintenance, but also putting in various garden plots around our property. Tilling, weeding, composting, planting, tending, watering… those are the chores we are all tackling together with Sweet Man leading the way. The boys are loving it too and I can’t wait to see the pride on their faces when the pick the first veggie from their own garden.

This book, inherited from his late Papaw, is Sweet Man’s guide to all things related to gardening 
(you can buy a used version HERE or a the new updated version HERE) and has helped him map out a blueprint for our garden patches, chicken coop and other yard improvements.  So far we have yellow neck squash, radishes, jalapeno peppers, tomatoes, sunflowers and various herbs in the ground. Of course, always one to put the cart-before-the-horse, I am day-dreaming of all the dishes I am going to make from our own veggies and  I can just imagine a warm Arkansas evening, sitting on our porch swing eating a fresh tomato with salt, with a glass of cold sweet tea by my side…
  Now that is not just a life-made-lovely, it is also a  life-made-yummy!

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